Friday, March 27, 2009

Thailand World Series- Mekong River

Ok, tough day at the office and to be honest not feeling too well at the moment.

During the first 10km run the lead pack was gradually reduced to 4 runners (one Brit- former runner Dave Mitchinson, the Russian Yakovlev (4th 2008 World Champs), plus James Attard and myself). Onto the bike and James had the misfortune of a puncture so lost the pack as he organised a wheel swap. 3k into the bike, Mitchinson was struggling so we offloaded him and then the Russian and I proceeded to build up a 2.15 lead on James and 4 minutes over the main chase group of 8 riders over the 40k bike.

At this point my thinking was 1st or 2nd and a great start to the year.............Yakovlev isn't a great rider and although his 10k PB is 29.07 I felt that perhaps the bike would have hurt him and I could have a crack.

Unfortunately, within the first 500m of the second run I started to feel very sick/faint and not too flash at all. I was in the grips of heat exhaustion and the body was really in trouble. All I could do was try to run in what little shade was out there on the course, turn one leg over the other and try to take on fluids at every aid station. I did make the finish in 5th place and now I am trying to minimise the damage as much as possible by rehydrating and getting food in.

Not the start to the year I was looking for and not really feeling too flash

Hopefully better tomorrow


The Duathlon Ashes
Australia vs Britain
A win for the Aussies but the Brits got one back on the drinking table!


The Wombat Warrior said...

Mate stay positive...don't let your mind dwell on the fall from grace... you know the drill plenty of isotonic fluid, inot the airconditioning and re focuss.Visulaise the race and try to see what errors you made so they don't happen again .. remember if you ca't get anyhting positve out of the race move on don't dwell... remember this is the YEAR OF THE RADAR

The Wombat Warrior said...

and by the way your in great shape we all saw that at training ..... believe in yourself and "dare to dream"

Unknown said...

Hey petit PD,
It's not good result before the first race race in France.
The Men in Black will no be happy!
Hey mate, when do you come to Clermont? We wait you & we are very exciting to see you & your family (& Jimmy!)
See you later
Bibi & Yoyo