Friday, December 5, 2008

Seb turns again but no running

Well the start to training for 2009 hasn't gone as smoothly as expected...but does anything ever go exactly to plan?

I had some shin pain just before the Anaconda race on Nov 2nd and thought it would settle with 2 weeks scheduled rest. Unfortunately, the injury was actually a low grade stress response and I am still not running and won't commence till after Christmas.

Every cloud has a silver lining though and I have spent more time with Lianne and Seb and that is time that I wouldn't swap for anything. I have also been busy riding and with work at The Body Station Clinic and with the Front Runner Squad which continues to grow and expand ( .

My plan for 2009 was to build a bigger bike base so I am currently doing that and will be knocking out around 400k/week over the month of December which is 50% more than last summer. I am confident that with all my years of running base will mean it comes back quickly once I get cracking in late December.

In the biggest news of all my little man Sebastian turns 1 next Wednesday so we will be having a party this weekend and the little fella is trying to walk so should be any day now......



1 comment:

trailblazer777 said...

lks the trouble starts I suspect. Our Jacob is now 17 months...Going after the bike now sounds like a great move, all the best with getting the running going again later, I think you are correct the running specificity will come back quickly as long as you maintain a good level in the cycling.