Saturday, October 25, 2008

Skilled Engineering win Blackwood

The 30th annual Blackwood Marathon was held this weekend and once again it was a sensational event and party. The unique multi-sport race is steeped in history and I was fortunate to be selected to run for the Skilled Engineering Team- event winners for the past 6 years.

I was joined by Ray Boyd (Team Manager), David Bergland (cyclist), Travis Nederpelt (Swim-Olympian), Reece Baker (Kayak) and M'Liss Henry (Equestrian) plus Ray's cousin Justin who organises local logistics and is publican at the Greenbushes Hotel.

The run went well and I handed over to Reece with a solid lead and the fastest ztime of 37.02 for the 12km course. From there, the team continued to build a 5 minute victory margin at the finish and another successful race for the Skilled Engineering line up.

This event is definately worth making on your calenders for 2009. Big thanks to Skilled, Ray for his help with logistics and organisation and all the team

Event results and info are here
