Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Sayonara Seated Hill Reps

Finally the 8 week Strength Endurance Block of seated Hill Reps on the bike is finished and now it is time to try and convert the strength to power. I am really looking forward to the change in training and getting more use from the Tri-bars and flatter roads.

The running is coming back to speed slowly and steadily. I am getting plenty of training done and the hill work and steady state running to build the legs back up will hopefully lay the foundation for the successses of 2009.

In other news a new West Australian website has been started and looks set to became a great source of info for the local endurance sport community. Check it out if you get a chance.

Hope everyone is training well and feeling good


1 comment:

trailblazer777 said...

that new west aussie website looks interesting!